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As summer comes to a close and another church year begins, I believe that Now Is the Time to fulfill The Great Commission. It is urgent to remember that at this very time there are leaders of nations holding meetings and conferences to discuss war, peace and making plans for the future of the world. We are to plan not only for the future of this world but how best to prepare for the world that is to come, and to help bring about the salvation of as many souls as possible out of the darkness of this world. The world’s only hope is Jesus Christ.

As an organization we have been blessed by seeing the salvation of many souls. The vision of men and women, girls and boys coming to Jesus must not be lost. This is what touches the heart of God and He has raised us up and anointed us for this purpose. I pray we never lose this anointing. We will not lose it if we will but stand united and together. Together let us contend for the faith, together let us love God supremely, together let us love one another fervently and together let us never forget lost people matter to God. It is urgent that we realize that ‘Now Is the Time!’

Luke 15:1-32 gives us a picture of the Heart of God.

  1. People Are Important to God: Jesus the Shepherd left the 99 Sheep to find the one who was lost. This shows the importance of one lost soul.

It is urgent that in these days we seek the lost. I pray we can have the heart of God to seek the lost. To illustrate this, we lost our son Chad once in a big crowd. He was 4 years old and we were watching a parade. A band marched by and everyone began to applaud. I was holding Chad’s hand so I looked down and told Chad to stay there while I joined the crowd with applauding the band. I looked down to take his hand and he wasn’t there. Franticly I asked all those around me if they had seen a small boy with blond hair. No one had seen him. I searched everywhere and could not find him. I was sure he had wondered out in the street to follow the band or someone had taken my son. I went into the shop behind us and began to shout his name. I saw some clothes moving on a rack and I pushed an opening through the clothes. Finally, I found him playing in the middle of a clothes rack. He looked at me and just smiled. I was so glad he was ok. I did not punish him or scold him. I picked him up and hugged him and held him close. I had so much joy in heart that my lost little boy was found. I can’t describe the feelings of relief I had. I don’t believe I have ever been happier to find my son who had been lost but now was found. The Lord rejoices every time one who is lost is found.

  1. God is Relentless in His Pursuit of the Lost: He would not give up until the lost was found. May we relentlessly pursue the lost until they are found. What are we willing to do to reach a co-worker or a neighbor. A friend of mine learned to ride a motorcycle to reach his neighbor. I mowed a neighbor’s yard. May our heart be like the heart of God and relentlessly seek those that are lost until they are found.
  2. This Is What God Celebrates: What joy there is when the lost come to Jesus. Let us celebrate new life in Christ.

How did you come to Jesus? Were you saved listening to a radio broadcast? I wonder how many were saved listening to a TV preacher? Did you receive the Lord Jesus as a direct result of a message? Maybe you were saved when you saw "Jesus Saves" on a big rock, a sign, or a bumper sticker? The fact is most people come to Christ by a friend or when someone shares their faith. With that in mind, it is a sad statistic that less than ten percent will share their faith with someone this year. May we receive from the Holy Spirit an awareness of the necessity of Jesus Christ.

There are only three kinds of persons. There are those who know Christ, having established a relationship with Him as Saviour. Others are blindly seeking but have not found Him. Last are those who go through life without an awareness of their need for Jesus Christ.

As we start a new church year, I pray for hearts that God can use. To be used of God:

  1. Set your heart to follow God.
  2. Yield your heart to God. Surrender to His will.
  3. Cleanse your heart for God.
  4. Guard your heart
  5. Do not harden your heart.
  6. Develop a broken heart for the unsaved.

To do this we must:

  1. Love God
  2. Study and pray
  3. Share your faith

An aged farmer visited his son, a popular senator in Washington, DC. The father was a zealous Christian. When introduced to the ambassador from Belgium, the father earnestly asked, "Sir, are you a Christian?" The son was greatly embarrassed by the question. Before the ambassador could reply, the son changed the conversation. Shortly thereafter, the father became ill. He died. Hearing of his death, the ambassador sent flowers. A note attached to them brought tears to the eyes of the senator. The note read, "He was the only man in America who asked me if I was a Christian."

Why are so many professing Christians so ashamed and scared to share about the Gospel?

Now is the time for those who know the Saviour to proclaim Christ!
Now is the time to go to a lost world with the love of Christ!
Now is the time for those without Christ to come to Christ!
Do you have a heart for the lost? Are you broken and burdened for the lost?