John 3:16 is a verse you can write on a piece of paper to share with someone. It is short enough to memorize (which I believe most of you can quote). This verse shows up on TV at football games and other sporting events. Scripture tells us Nicodemus was the first to hear “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” but millions have heard it since. John 3:16 is 25 words of hope and life and has stood the test of time for over 2000 years and continues to change the hearts and lives of men, women, boys and girls today. It was the first verse I memorized (except for Jesus wept in John 11:35) and it has changed my life. We are in the midst of Lent and Easter and many scholars will tell you that this verse is not about the cross, however Easter is not only about the cross and the suffering and death of Jesus but is about the resurrection and eternal life.
For God So Loved the World: These words give us a beautiful picture of God. He loved. He created mankind and we turned our back on Him. You might think God would respond with anger and immediate punishment and yet He loves us and gives us a way to find our way back to Him. He not only forgives us but loves us. This is amazing love. God loves the world. Put it this way. God loves this world. A world that is hopelessly confused. A world that is filled with darkness and far from God. A world that has closed their minds and hardened their hearts toward Him. They live for lustful pleasure and practice all things that are impure and unholy. Look around and you will see this world has no sense of shame and continues down the road of destruction. This is the world God loves. May we never forget how much He has done for us and how much He loves us. How did God show us His love.
He Gave Us His Only Begotten Son: Jesus came to give Himself so that you and I and this world we live in might not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus himself said; “The good shepherd lays down his life for His sheep” and “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” This is unbelievable love and you and I are receiving His love and forgiveness. We are imprisoned by sin and He who knew no sin took upon Himself our sins and we are considered free and pronounced innocent. There is no one like Him. Jesus takes what is weak and makes it strong. He rights that which is wrong. There is no one like Him.
I received a call as I was beginning to write this article that Christine had passed away from cancer. Christine came to Christ one Sunday night while I was pastoring Circleville First Church. Bev had left her Bible in her car and as I got up to read the Scripture, she realized she didn’t have her Bible. As she was returning from getting her Bible, she noticed this young lady in front of the church with her two boys. Christine was returning to her home after going to the Ohio Market just down the street from the church. When she walked by the church, she heard singing coming from the church and she stopped to listen. The sun was shining on the big glass window of Jesus in the front of the church and she couldn’t move as she took in the singing and the beauty of the glass window of Jesus. Bev invited her in but she refused at first because she had her two boys. Bev assured her the nursery could watch the boys and Bev told her that she would sit with her. Christine finally agreed to come in. I noticed Bev came in with this young girl as I was preaching. They sat on the last row. After my message I gave an altar call and Christine came to the altar. Bev and several people came to pray with Christine. I stepped down to the altar and prayed for Christine and then I asked her what she needed or wanted. She said I’m not sure but I want to know the person who is in that stained glass window in the front of the church. I told her she could know that person and His name is Jesus. Christine gave several excuses of why she couldn’t accept Jesus. She had two boys from different men. She had over 25 tattoos. She was using drugs. I assured her that Jesus loved her and He was only concerned at that time about her heart and that He wanted to come into her heart. I showed her in the Bible John 3:16 “For God So Loved the World That He Gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” She began to cry and I’ll never forget what she asked. Do you think God can forgive even me. With a smile and confidence in my heart I told her He has forgiven her. Christine prayed through that night and became a part of the church. She had some battles but she hung on to her faith. Christine called me November last year and told me she had stage four cancer but she was ok because she had a Saviour who loved her and she was on her way to heaven. I prayed for her. I received that call about her passing and I stopped to thank the Lord for John 3:16.
This season of Easter is a wonderful time to tell others of God’s great love for them. He loves this world and desires to see them saved and sanctified so they may not perish but have everlasting life. May we follow His example for truly there is NO ONE LIKE HIM!