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Father, the time has come. These words were spoken by Jesus in John 17, which has been called the High Priestly Prayer. Jesus was concluding his earthly ministry and was about to go through the most difficult time of his life - he was to face His death. He knew He would be leaving those He loved and had put so much time into mentoring and teaching them for the building of His Kingdom. Realizing the urgency of the times, Jesus prayed. His example speaks volumes to us. As we move into the year 2025, it is urgent that we follow the example of our Lord, so LET US PRAY!

Our society has never been more challenging. Our culture is changing rapidly, and the Christian is being asked to compromise their values.
There are concerns facing the Church that we never had to face before. Our time is running short, so LET US PRAY!

In seems that more often prayer is not our first resolve but is our last resort. In 2025 let us go to Jesus first rather than as a last resort. Here are some things to remember about prayer:

  • Prayer is not just about bringing a list of needs to God for Him to answer. Prayer is seeking Him because of who He is. He desires deep intimacy with each of us so that we can experience His Presence.
  • Prayer is not a program. I enjoy some programs which include prayer, and these are powerful and can be fulfilling, however God wants us to know Him and build a strong relationship with Him. A friendship relationship of love and trust.
  • Prayer is not an escape from our battles. Prayer is a place for us to be equipped for the battles we face and to have confidence that God’s supernatural power will go with us.
  • Prayer is not selfish. When you pray is it for you to be better off or is it so God’s Kingdom advances? Certainly, the Lord wants to meet our needs, but His desire is also for the Kingdom to advance.
  • Prayer takes time. The enemy of the soul wants us to get so busy we don’t have or take the time to pray. Let us defeat the enemy and take the time to pray and read our Bibles. Good days and bad days, LET US PRAY!

I have been praying for us to develop a culture of prayer in 2025. I realize this is not an easy task, but I believe God wants us to be a praying people. Pray for the Lord to be glorified. Pray for a mighty move of God that will bring a sweeping and powerful revival our way. Let us pray with a passion that has us bringing our best to the Lord instead of our leftover efforts.

Prayer is a privilege where we come into the very presence of our creator, the living God. We can talk freely about our secret battles. The possibilities because of prayer are endless. In prayer God prompts and prepares us for evangelism and mission in this world. In prayer families receive God’s grace and love. In prayer major revivals have been born. In prayer we receive boldness and wisdom. LET US PRAY! Let us pray together in 2025.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in self-forgetting that we find;
And it is in dying to ourselves that we are born to eternal life.

(Saint Francis Prayer)