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Rev. Mike Holbrook is the General Superintendent of The Churches of Christ in Christian Union.

Mike brings a wealth of experience to the leadership of the CCCU. He has served as the South Central District Superintendent, Assistant District Superintendent, and Senior Pastor of Circleville First Church of Christ in Christian Union for sixteen years.  

He has a great passion for leading churches to fulfill God's mission for them.

He and his wife, Charla, make their home in the Circleville, Ohio.

Camp Meeting Is Community

As a boy, I grew up attending Circleville First Church. I remember Mount of Praise Camp Meeting being held on East Ohio Street. One of the highlights was, after the services, I would go across the street and get a snow cone from one of the booths that were set up. I remember the powerful services, but mostly I remember getting with my old friends and making new friends every year. As time would have it, the Mount of Praise was moved to Circleville Bible College. I remember the huge tent that held the crowd and the large fans to keep us cool. I remember the wonderful move of God in each camp and the preaching that spoke to my heart. But mostly, I remember getting with old friends and making new friends each year. Then the Mount of Praise was moved to the beautiful Maxwell Leadership Center. It seemed like everyone at the same time yelled with glee, AIR CONDITIONING. I remember the wonderful preaching and the moving of God in the services, people being saved and sanctified, but along with that I remember getting with old friends and making new friends each year.

Today Mount of Praise Camp Meeting is held in the new Ministry and Performing Arts Center on our Ohio Christian University Campus. Last year, being our first year, I remember the mighty move of God and the anointed preaching of His Word. I remember one exceptional move of God as people were anointed with oil and healing took place physically and spiritually. I also remember getting with old friends and making new friends once again.

Mount of Praise Camp Meeting through the years has had some changes but the things that mean the most have not changed. Those things that remain the same:

  • Anointed preaching
  • Altars being lined as people are seeking God (People Need The Lord)
  • God’s glorious presence
  • The moving of the Holy Spirit
  • The Ring Meeting
  • Children and youth being saved, sanctified and called into ministry
  • Laughter, shouting, joyous reunions and powerful services just to mention a few

I also remember getting with old friends and making new friends. Thank you for being my friend. Let’s get together for the Mount of Praise Camp Meeting June 18 -June 23. I know the Lord will be present and we will have anointed services and the wonderful move of the Holy Spirit will take place. Oh, and I look forward to getting with old friends and making some new friends this year!