Since the introduction of the General Church Extension department's new paradigm for establishing churches, our existing congregations are beginning to catch the vision and sense God's leading concerning their direct role in launching a new church and with assisting the denomination in reaching its goal of establishing seven new congregations over the next three council years. Many churches are seriously praying about forming, developing and nurturing a new congregation.
As important as it is for existing congregations to catch this vision, there must be individuals and/or couples sensing the call of God to serve as pastors for these new efforts. To insure that individuals and couples are following the leadership of the Holy Spirit and are properly prepared for this awesome adventure, potential pastors are requested to attend the New Start Assessment sponsored and hosted by the Church of the Nazarene through our cooperative efforts and shared ministry association. On January 27-29, 2011 the Harrisons, the Sailes, both from our Miller Evangelical Church in Brooklyn, and David Ordonez of our Hispanic ministry in Columbus, Ohio, traveled to Kansas City for the New Start Assessment.
The assessment center is a wonderful opportunity for potential new launch pastors to discover and clarify their calling and to disclose whether they and their spouse have the necessary criteria for starting and leading a new congregation. It always helps to have "all the right stuff." Every new launch pastor must know that they have been specifically lead by God to pursue this ministry and that they have a passion for establishing God's church. They must be adaptable to new and innovative approaches to ministry, have a good understanding of the culture and sub-culture they will be serving, and develop all the key elements necessary for providing a dynamic and real worship experience effectively ministering to the needs and opportunities of the souls God has given them the privilege of shepherding. From the assessment experience, we believe that all potential new pastors gain a better understanding about themselves, their ministry giftedness and preparedness and the task that God is calling them to fulfill. With a good sponsoring church to lead, assist, coach and nurture every new congregation possesses the necessary components for developing and establishing a healthy church.
Please keep Rupert and Jenille Harrison, Linus and Marie Saile, and David and Janet Ordonez in your prayers as they seek to develop their passion for starting a new church and for their own personal and spiritual development. God is do wonderful things and He always chooses to do them through fully devoted and sanctified individuals that are willing to listen to His voice and follow His heart.