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The South Central District met Friday, July 13th, 2018, for its 60th annual District Council at Brookside Church in Chillicothe, Ohio. Ministers, delegates, and district officials gathered to elect officers for the coming Council terms. Many significant votes were taken. Results are listed below.

Elected to following offices were:

Nominating Committee:David Marhoover (Chair), Tom Beavers, Donald Craft, Janette Elliott, Wilma Erwin, Linda Knisley, Brad Marhoover, Jay Neff, and Mike Schlaegel

Assistant District Superintendent: Doug Cambell

District Board of Trustees: Ryan Bash, David Marhoover, & Larry Olson

District Board of Examination and Ordination: Ralph Hux

District Church Extension Committee: Dwight Hershey

District Pastoral Relationship Board: Jay Neff

District Missionary Committee Member: Gene Lawhun

SCD Evangelical Christian Youth (ECY) Vice-President: Janette Elliott

SCD ECY Secretary: John Jenkins

SCD ECY Advisory Pastor: Michael Blevins

SCD ECY Member-at-Large: Logan Lyon

District Christian Education Committee: Amber Kasper

Camp Meeting Committee: Shelby Davis & Stan Howard

District Evangelical Christian Ladies (ECL) Committee: Melody Wiseman